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About the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine

The mission of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine is:

  • to provide a national center of expertise in regenerative medicine focused on developing and delivering therapies that reestablish tissue and organ function impaired by disease, trauma, or congenital abnormalities
  • to foster the generation of scientific knowledge in regenerative medicine and to share that knowledge with researchers, clinicians, and the public through educational activities, training, and publications
  • to educate and train scientists and engineers to pursue technologies related to regenerative medicine, and train a generation of clinicians in the implementation of regenerative therapies
  • to support the commercialization of technologies in regenerative medicine and thereby accelerate the translation of research discoveries to clinical implementation and patient benefit

Visit the McGowan Institute's website for researchers and physicians, sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh.

Contact Us

McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Bridgeside Point II 
450 Technology Drive
Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Read information on campus shuttles.

Phone: 412-624-5500
Fax: 412-624-5363

Learn More About our Facility

William G. McGowan Story
William McGowan, founder of MCI, helped to revolutionize telecommunications. His legacy is helping to revolutionize medicine.

Our History
The McGowan Institute was originally established in 1992 as the McGowan Center for Artificial Organ Development.

Our researchers and physicians are our greatest resources. They have an extraordinary passion for developing new and improved therapies for conditions that have thus far eluded cures.