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Patient Blood Management

UPMC Content 2

Every two seconds someone in the United States undergoes a blood transfusion to replace blood lost through surgery, serious injury, or disease. It’s the nation’s most common medical treatment for hospitalized patients.

Although a blood transfusion can save your life, it is not free from some risk of complications, including a lowered ability of the body to fight infections. That’s why UPMC’s patient blood management (PBM) team works with your care providers to make sure that blood is given only when the benefit of transfusion outweighs the risks.

Our PBM program focuses on patient safety and quality outcomes. We use the latest evidence-based medicine with the goal of each and every transfusion being appropriate and safe.

We coordinate with your doctor to ensure you’re prepared for an upcoming elective surgery, including screening for anem​ia and monitoring your hemoglobin count. We may recommend dietary additions and iron supplements before surgery to increase iron levels and decrease your need for a blood transfusion.

We also work with your care providers before and after surgery to minimize blood loss from blood draws and other procedures. And, we work closely with our blood product providers to help ensure every patient gets the right blood product, at the right time, every time.​