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What to Expect at UPMC Hamot's Emergency Department

UPMC Content 3

When You Arrive

Upon your arrival, a registered nurse will evaluate you and ask you questions about your condition. This process is known as triage and helps our emergency medical team determine your treatment needs.

Some of the questions the triage nurse will ask when you arrive include:

  • What are your current medical conditions and symptoms? 
  • What is your prior medical care and medical history? 
  • What are the names of your physicians? 
  • What are the current prescriptions or over-the-counter medications you take?

During triage, you may have x-rays or blood work in preparation for the doctor to see you.

You or a family member will also need to sign a consent form that gives us permission to treat you.

Waiting for Treatment

After triage, the nurse or another member of our staff will take you to a treatment room.

If the Emergency Department is busy, you may need to have a seat in the waiting area until a room becomes available.

We understand that waiting can be frustrating. Our team does its best to keep your wait to a minimum.

If you feel your condition changes while you are waiting, please let the triage nurse know.

Once you are in a treatment room, the Emergency Department staff will reassess your condition and treatment needs. In some cases, we will contact your primary care doctor or a specialist to assist in your care.

Note: Please make sure you leave all valuable items at home before coming to the Emergency Department. If that is not possible, it is best to ask a friend or relative to look after your valuables while we are treating you.

Emergency Department Parking

For minor emergencies, your loved one can drop you off at the main Emergency Department entrance on French Street. He or she may then park the car in one of the surface metered lots or parking ramps operated by the city of Erie.

The cost of parking in a metered lot is 25 cents for 20 minutes. Ramp parking is available and will be validated for patients/families following their Emergency Department visit (one car per family).

Visitor Information 

Having family or friends with you can ease the stress of visiting the Emergency Department. However, for safety reasons, only one or two visitors are allowed in the department at one time.

During some procedures and treatments, please understand our staff may ask your visitors to leave your room.