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Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab

When you love being active, there’s nothing worse than having an injury derail you. At UPMC, we aim to get you back to full strength, so you can get back out there.

Our physical therapy (PT) services are for active people and athletes of all skill levels, in all sports. We offer sport-specific rehab for both competitive and leisure athletes.

Everything we do is custom for you. First, your primary care provider, sports medicine provider, or orthopaedic surgeon will talk to you about your goals. Then they’ll work with physical therapists to create a program that:

  • Decreases your pain.
  • Helps you recover more quickly.
  • Restores your function and mobility.
  • Returns you to full activities and sports safely.

What Sports-Related Conditions Do We Treat?

We can design a PT program for sports-related injuries. Some of the most common conditions we help athletes come back from include:

  • ACL tears, one of the most common knee injuries, especially for contact sport athletes.
  • Ankle injuries, including Achilles tendon issues and sprained and broken ankles.
  • Broken bones.
  • Concussion, a traumatic brain injury common in contact sports.
  • Groin pull, which can also be core muscle injuries, including sports hernia.
  • Shoulder injuries, ranging from rotator cuff and labral tears to shoulder impingement and dislocations.
  • Sprains and strains, including sprained ligaments and muscle strains, and tears of all kinds.
  • Tennis elbow, an overuse injury that happens because of repetitive motion.
  • Tendonitis, a tendon inflammation that commonly affects ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders.

Sports Rehab Programs and Services

We have sport-specific programs in a variety of sports, including:

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Running
  • Tennis

However, our services span across all sports and people of all ages and backgrounds can benefit. Some of these services include:

  • Aquatic therapy*. Being in water means less stress on your joints, which can make it easier to do certain types of rehab exercises.
  • Blood flow restriction rehab. This technique can help athletes recover more quickly from some types of injury.
  • De-weighted training. Antigravity treadmills, like AlterG, reduce the load on your lower limbs.
  • Isokinetic testing. This uses a machine to test strength and muscular endurance in shoulders, knees, and ankles, and keep track of progress.
  • Musculoskeletal pre-sports screenings. These screenings test of range of motion and muscle symmetry and assess recovery from previous injuries.
  • Post-concussion management**. We have a specific protocol for return to play after a concussion.
  • Plyometric floor programs. We have a training floor that helps recovering athletes regain power and restore quick movement capabilities.
  • Shoe orthotic fabrication and bracing. Having customized support for your feet can help reduce pain and improve performance.
  • Sports performance training and conditioning*. These programs help athletes reach peak performance. 

*Only offered at our Pittsburgh-area locations

**Only offered at our Pittsburgh-area locations and select locations in central Pa.

Why Choose UPMC for Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab?

UPMC can help you get back to your sport or activity more quickly. In addition to providing a wide range of rehabilitative techniques and treatments, our therapists perform sport-specific tests and overall assessments of your injury to provide effective recovery services that are tailored to your needs and goals.