Now Open
The UPMC Construction and Community Resource Center, located at 107 Atwood St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, is the “front door” for individuals and businesses interested in the new UPMC Presbyterian and UPMC’s vendor diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. UPMC broke ground on the new UPMC Presbyterian in June 2022 and anticipates construction continuing until late 2026.
The resource center provides a welcoming environment for people to learn about:
Committed to Supplier Diversity
Supplier diversity is an integral part of UPMC’s supply chain management process at every level. As evidence of this commitment during the UPMC Presbyterian construction, a manager will be based at 107 Atwood Street to assist business and community partners.
The DEI manager will coordinate activity within the resource center, and enlist additional partners and offer additional programs, throughout the construction.
Upcoming Events
Looking for your next career in construction? Davis Consult Solutions (DCS) is offering application assistance events (PDF) from 1 to 3 p.m. the following days:
- Feb 12
- March 12
- April 9
- May 14
- June 11
- July 9
- Aug. 13
- Sept. 10
- Oct. 8
- Nov. 12
- Dec.10
DCS (PDF) is a current vendor with UPMC. All events will be held at 107 Atwood Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
Register now for the UPMC Application Workshop.
Andre’s UPMC Construction and Community Resource Center Testimonial
When asked what led him to the UPMC Construction and Community Resource Center, Andre simply said he “was tired of getting into trouble.”
Andre went to prison in 2013. While there, he walked past a flier that listed steps on how to build a wall.
“In that moment, I realized that there is money in the construction business,” Andre says. “I knew I needed to have a plan when I got released from prison.”
While he was incarcerated, Andre’s family sent him books about construction, and he made it his mission to learn about the trade as much as he could.
“I was studying for 10 hours a day,” Andre says. “I showed my probation officer everything that I studied, and he connected me with Adrienne Miles.”
Adrienne is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager for UPMC Corporate Construction and works alongside the Pittsburgh Probation office to help those who are reincarcerated reenter society. Adrienne met with Andre and learned about his passion for construction. From there, she connected him with Reimagine Reentry, a reentry program for men and women who have been incarcerated in Allegheny County. The program offers housing assistance, family reunification planning, workforce development and training, and reentry coaching.
Adrienne then connected Andre with Steamfitters, a union based in Harmony, Pa. Steamfitters are highly skilled workers who are responsible for the installation and maintenance of piping systems in commercial projects. They also install and maintain heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems. Through this connection, Andre was then interviewed by Steamfitters, where Adrienne says Andre “completely blew them away.”
“Andre had more knowledge than those who were in their first-year apprenticeship at Steamfitters,” Adrienne says. “The team thought that his knowledge and background were very impressive. They then gave him a skills test and he was accepted into the program.”
Adrienne continues to keep in touch with Andre to see his progress. Andre was released from prison in 2022 and began to establish a new pattern for daily life.
“About a week after I got out, I went to the school at Steamfitters and started to begin my training,” Andre says.
Now, the 48-year-old works three jobs, including his own construction business, and works in HVAC and construction. He also does automotive and car repair work. He is currently part of the construction team for the new First National Bank building in downtown Pittsburgh and hopes to work on the new UPMC Presbyterian Tower project. UPMC broke ground on the project in June 2022 and anticipates construction continuing until late 2026.
Andre says that Adrienne is an excellent resource for those who want to pursue a career in construction.
“She helped me get back into society and navigate the steps to follow my passion,” he says.
Adrienne also hopes for Andre to be involved in the construction of UPMC Presbyterian Tower.
“He’s now able to take care of his family and he loves it,” Adrienne says. “The Steamfitters program can also lead to entrepreneurship, which he has successfully done with his new business. With his determination and tenacity, he fit right into Steamfitters.”
“Construction saved my life, if it wasn’t for that I would be back in prison,” Andre says. “My love for construction is what took all the anger away. It made me look at the world in a different way and made me more mature.”
To learn more about the UPMC Construction and Community Resource Center, contact Adrienne Miles at
Learn More
Adrienne Miles, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager for UPMC Corporate Construction, shares her career journey and how UPMC meets their diversity, equity, and inclusion goals to ensure more representation from historically marginalized groups in a video with the Consortium for Public Education. Watch the video Career Journeys: Business Management & Administration, featuring Adrienne Miles (Youtube).
Use this form to learn more about the services offered at the UPMC Construction and Community Resource Center or to schedule an appointment to discuss diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives central to the construction of UPMC Presbyterian.