PITTSBURGH – As one of the largest integrated delivery systems in the nation, UPMC and UPMC Health Plan are committed to taking a leadership role in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus and caring for those who may be affected by it.
As part of this commitment, we are actively working to identify and remove any barriers that could unnecessarily delay or prevent our patients and members from receiving appropriate diagnosis and treatment in this challenging time. In order to ensure that no UPMC Health Plan member faces a financial barrier to receiving needed testing, we will waive any applicable deductibles, copayments or other cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing when ordered by a member’s treating medical provider.
Effective immediately, this no-cost coverage of COVID-19 testing as a preventive service will apply for members in all of our commercial UPMC Advantage group and individual products, UPMC for Life Medicare Advantage plans and our UPMC for You Medical Assistance plans; our self-insured or administrative services only (ASO) employer groups will be permitted to opt-out of preventive coverage at their discretion.
Commercial testing is expected to start becoming available over the weekend. We encourage any member with symptoms or suspected exposure to COVID-19 to immediately contact their health care provider.
For questions about locating a provider or available testing laboratory, our award-winning member services team is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, and can be reached at 1-844-220-4785 (TTY: 711). For additional information about COVID-19, please go to our website at www.upmchealthplan.com.