WHAT: If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, UPMC Passavant and the Passavant Hospital Foundation invite you and a guest to enjoy an evening of celebration. There will be dinner, a keynote speaker, door prizes and more.
Space is limited and registration is required. Contact Cindy Emminger at 412-748-6385 to register.
WHY: Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability and the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States. Outcomes improve with early action in treatment and restoring blood flow. We want to help you learn about stroke and understand what care and support options are available.
WHO: Stroke survivors and their guest.
WHEN: 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, 2019
WHERE: Passavant Hospital Foundation Conference Center & Legacy Theatre, 700 Cumberland Woods Dr., Allison Park, Pa., 15101.
Note to Media: To cover this event, prior arrangements must be made by contacting Stephanie Stanley at 412-586-9762 or StanleySL@upmc.edu.