WHAT: UPMC is partnering with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA) and the Neighborhood Resilience Project in hosting a vaccine clinic in the Hill District—bringing COVID-19 vaccines to people where they live and where they feel most comfortable.
This clinic will offer the two-dose Pfizer vaccine, which is recommended for those 12 and older, and the one-dose Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine, which is recommended for those 18 and older. Blood pressure and body mass index screenings also will be offered.
Registration is encouraged and walk-ins are welcomed. To register, call 833-653-0518 and ask for the URA clinic or register online.
If English is not your preferred language and you would like to schedule with an interpreter, please call 833-660-2416.
WHO: For those in the Hill District and surrounding communities.
WHEN: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, July 23
WHERE: Shop ‘n Save plaza, 1850 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, 15219
Note to Media: To cover this event, prior arrangements must be made by contacting Stephanie Stanley with UPMC at 412-855-8690 or StanleySL@upmc.edu, or Gigi Saladna with URA at 412-304-4042 or GSaladna@URA.ORG.