WHAT: This free class will teach participants how to deal with holiday stress and still enjoy time with family. Light refreshments will be served.
Registration is required. Register online at UPMC.com/HamptonOutpatient or call 1-800-533-UPMC.
WHO: UPMC Outpatient Center in Hampton staff:
• Sarah C. Johnson, LCSW, Behavioral Health Therapist
• Annmarie Barone, LSW, Integrated Health Social Worker, Expanded Care Team
WHEN: 6 to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018
WHERE: UPMC Outpatient Center in Hampton, 2nd floor classroom, 4490 Mount Royal Blvd., Allison Park, Pa., 15101.
Note to Media: To cover this event, prior arrangements must be made by contacting Stephanie Stanley at 412-586-9762 or StanleySL@upmc.edu.