WHAT: UPMC St. Margaret will host a free “Stop the Bleed” training course, where attendees will learn how to properly use a tourniquet and apply direct pressure, and how to pack a wound. Parking will be validated, and light refreshments will be served.
Registration is required. Call 1-866-939-RSVP (7787) or register online at UPMC.com/Classes.
WHY: It takes less than 5 minutes for a person to bleed to death. Bleeding emergencies happen every day, caused by car crashes, accidents at work, home and school — and increasingly, mass violence. Stop the Bleed training prepares you to make a difference when help is needed most.
WHO: The event is free and open to the public.
WHEN: 6 to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13.
WHERE: UPMC St. Margaret, Conference Centers A, B and C, 815 Freeport Rd., Pittsburgh, 15215.
Note to Media: To cover this event, pre-arrangements must be made by contacting Stephanie Stanley at StanleySL@upmc.edu or 412-586-9762.