PITTSBURGH, Feb. 23, 2016 - It's almost time for the 13th annual Athletic Trainer River Run 5K and One-Mile Challenge on March 13. The event, celebrating National Athletic Training Month, will in part benefit the scholarship fund of the Southwest Region of the Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers' Society (PATS), which oversees these races.
PATS will donate additional funds raised by the event to the Children's Organ Transplant Association.
The event, hosted by UPMC Sports Medicine, starts at 8 a.m., Sunday, March 13 at the UPMC Sports Performance Complex, 3200 S. Water St., on Pittsburgh's South Side.
"The flat terrain makes this race great for everyone from kids and first-time runners to experienced racers looking to improve their times," said race coordinator Julie Dlugos, an athletic trainer with UPMC. We have something for everyone, and even non-runners enjoy coming out to participate in our raffle and auction."
Race-day registration costs are $30 for the 5K, $25 for the One-Mile Challenge and $35 for both. Adult runners who register prior to March 1st receive a $5 discount for each event. Runners age 13 and under may register for the 1 mile challenge for $15.
To register, visit www.signmeup.com/ATRiverRun to use the secure, online registration form or contact UPMC Sports Medicine at 412-432-3770 to receive a paper registration form or more information. Each registrant will receive a short-sleeve performance shirt and one raffle ticket.
On-site event registration and check-in will begin at 8 a.m., and the UPMC Indoor Training Center will be available for a race warm-up at 8:30 a.m.
The One-Mile Challenge will start at 9 a.m. and the 5K at 10 a.m., with award ceremonies to follow. The raffle and sports memorabilia auction will continue through the races, with the winners announced at the conclusion of the 5K. Plaques will be awarded to the top male and female finishers; trophies and medals will be given to the top three finishers in each male and female age group.
After the race, two students from one or two of the region's accredited athletic-training programs will receive a PATS Southwest Region scholarship.
In addition to raising money for the fund and awareness of the profession of certified athletic trainers, the event honors the medical professionals specially trained in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of all types of injury and illness that may occur to athletes or physically active people.
The Athletic Trainer River Run is organized by the athletic training staffs and students from UPMC Sports Medicine, Duquesne University, University of Pittsburgh, California University of Pennsylvania and Waynesburg University.
The event is open to the public. Free parking will be available in the lots at the UPMC Sports Performance Complex. Follow its social media @ATRiverRun on Twitter and "Athletic Trainer River Run" on Facebook.
The Children's Organ Transplant Association, a national charity providing fundraising assistance to transplant families, since 1986 has made it a priority that 100 percent of funds generated in honor of transplant patients ultimately go toward those expenses.