WHAT: The University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh Police Department, University of Pittsburgh Student Affairs and the Drug Enforcement Administration have partnered to host Drug Take-Back Day. Members of the public are invited to anonymously turn in their unused or expired drugs for proper disposal free of charge. Medications can be in their original containers or in plastic bags.
WHY: Over the last several years, abusive use of prescription pain killers and over-the-counter drugs has been on the rise. The consumption of unused or expired drugs can lead to overdoses and other negative consequences, and improper disposal of these medications can cause environmental contamination.
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday, April 21
WHERE: University Pharmacy, Nordenberg Hall, 103 University Place, Pittsburgh, 15213
Note to Media: To cover this event, prior arrangements must be made by contacting Courtney Caprara at CapraraCL@upmc.edu or 412-592-8134.