PITTSBURGH – World-renowned nursing educators and researchers from the United States and China will gather in Pittsburgh from June 4 through 6 for the fourth U.S.-Sino Nursing Forum, hosted by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing.County Executive Rich Fitzgerald will kick off the event beginning at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, June 4, at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh. He will be joined by Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., dean of Pitt’s School of Nursing; Hannah Hardy, program manager, Chronic Disease Prevention Program, Allegheny County Health Department; and Margaret McDonald, Ph.D., associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, health sciences, at the University of Pittsburgh.
This year’s conference focuses on exploring the variations, similarities, research endeavors and findings regarding the management of chronic disorders in the United States and China.
“Chronic illness affects populations with striking similarities, and there is much to be learned through cross-collaboration among countries and exchange of knowledge regarding treatment modalities,” said Dunbar-Jacob. “We’re pleased to host these days of conversation and information sharing so that we can continue to improve patient care and outcomes at home and abroad.”
Featured speakers over the three-day event include:
• Marion Broome, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., dean and professor, Duke University School of Nursing, and vice chancellor for Nursing Affairs, Duke University
• Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., dean and distinguished service professor of nursing, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing
• Xianqiuong Feng, Ph.D., R.N., professor, Sichuan University, West China School of Nursing (Sichuan province)
• Guifang Guo, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., professor, Peking University School of Nursing (Beijing)
• Yan Hu, Ph.D., R.N., dean and professor, Fudan University School of Nursing (Shanghai)
• Ann Kurth, Ph.D., C.N.M., F.A.A.N., dean and professor, Yale University School of Nursing
• Xianhong Li, Ph.D., R.N., vice dean and associate professor, Central South University School of Nursing (Hunan province)
• Eileen Sullivan-Marx, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., dean and professor, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
• Ying Wu, Ph.D., R.N., A.C.N.P., dean and professor, Capital Medical University School of Nursing (Beijing)
Other domestic sponsors are the Duke University School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Texas Christian University, the Yale School of Nursing, and the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing.