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Lung Biopsy

If your doctor suspects that you may have a disease that affects the lungs, he or she may order a lung biopsy.

Types of Lung Disease

Lung disease includes a variety of conditions:

  • Lung cancer is a disease caused by abnormal cell growth in the lungs. Cancer cells can spread to other organs and tissues throughout the body.
  • Pulmonary fibrosis causes scarring of the lung tissue.
  • Pneumonia is an infectious disease that affects the lungs.

Because it's not possible to determine what kind of lung disease is present through observation alone, your doctor may refer you for further testing, which may include performing a biopsy.

The Role of the Pathologist

The pathologist will examine your lung tissue biopsy sample and provide a diagnosis that will help your doctor formulate the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

More Information on Lung Health

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Learn More About Lung Biopsies and Conditions

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