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Reproductive Tract Anomalies

UPMC Content 2

Five percent of women have some sort of reproductive tract anomaly. These abnormalities often cause recurrent miscarriages and preterm deliveries.

The overall problem stems from lack of complete fusion of the two uterine horns when development occurs in the uterus.

It's also important to evaluate the kidneys and genitourinary system since they are affected 25 percent of the time.

Common Reproductive Tract Anomalies

The most common anomalies and their frequencies include:

  • Septate uterus — 35 percent
  • Bicornuate uterus — 26 percent
  • Arcuate uterus — 18 percent
  • Didelphic uterus — 8 percent
  • Unicornuate uterus — 8 percent
  • Absent uterus — 3 percent

Treating Reproductive Tract Anomalies

Surgical correction may be the best treatment, depending on the type of anomaly.

The Center for Fertility and Reproductive Endocrinology offers a number of surgical options — including minimally invasive surgery — to correct specific uterine anomalies.