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Academic-Service Partnerships

UPMC Content 2

Academic-service partnerships (ASP) include the relationships between academia (schools of nursing) and the service side of health care (UPMC). At UPMC, our academic partnerships serve as an umbrella that contains all programs related to students and graduate nurses. The goal of the partnership is to create systems that support the finest clinical experiences at UPMC, best prepare new graduates prior to hire for UPMC, and focus on hiring the best of the best in new graduates, both locally and nationally.

Student Experiences

Student nurse internship programs (that include both local and national students) help to expose students to the real work of nursing prior to graduation. UPMC nurses help to create robust learning experiences for the students during clinical rotations. By using existing technology clinical rotation requests are streamlined, maximizing the student experience at UPMC.

Graduate Nurse Experiences

Our academic partnerships help us develop opportunities that will promote interest from, and increase the retention of, high potential new graduate nurses. Our newly launched graduate nurse residency program supports and develops the skill sets essential for today’s professional nurse. In addition, developing our existing and future preceptors, as well as unit directors who support our newest graduates in their transition to professional practice, provides ongoing professional growth for our existing UPMC nurses.


By creating strong and vibrant partnerships with schools of nursing, we help support an environment of continuous learning and development at UPMC. Our newly created Academic-Service Partnership Summit and Council seek to create a platform for discussing common issues related to nursing in western Pennsylvania. Members of the summit and council include the nursing leaders of UPMC and our local schools of nursing.