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Social Media Posting Policy

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This is your community. UPMC encourages open dialogue and believes in the visitor experience. We encourage you to share your story, "like" any post, and share with your friends using the “share” link.

Discussions, questions, and commentary are welcome, but UPMC asks that posts be respectful. UPMC observes Facebook’s posting guidelines and terms of use, as well as our own. UPMC reserves the right to remove any posts, graphics, comments, videos, photos, or any other content that: 
  • Is libelous, defamatory, or disparaging
  • Violates another’s copyright or other intellectual property rights
  • Condones or promotes illegal activity
  • Is misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive
  • Uses harsh, obscene, hateful, or threatening language
  • Is spam, or intended to cause technical disruptions to this page or Facebook
  • Offers unauthorized advice or tips
  • Is off-topic or excessive
  • Violates the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
UPMC employees are bound by the UPMC Social Networking Policy, and any posts that do not meet those guidelines are subject to removal.
UPMC shall not be held responsible for content submitted by other Facebook users. We do not allow and will delete posts that market commercial products.
Any health information provided is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you have a medical emergency, call 911 or your health care provider immediately.