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Liver Surgery (Resection)

Resection means the total or partial removal of an organ. The liver's remarkable regenerative ability allows it to continue functioning, even when parts of it are removed.

For people diagnosed with liver cancer, liver resection offers the best chance for cure or long-term survival.

At UPMC’s Liver Cancer Center, our team has extensive experience in:

In fact, UPMC’s liver surgeons pioneered minimally invasive (laparoscopic) liver surgery and have performed this technique more than 250 times — making them one of the most experienced teams in the United States.

Contact the UPMC Liver Cancer Center

To schedule an appointment, or for more information, call the UPMC Liver Cancer Center, toll-free, at 1-855-745-4837.

Benefits of Liver Surgery

Removing a cancerous liver tumor is the surest method of:

  • Eradicating the cancer
  • Preventing its spread to other parts of the body
  • Curing your cancer or extending your life

Candidates for Liver Surgery

The surgical team makes treatment recommendations based on a comprehensive evaluation of each person.

Most candidates for liver resection surgery must meet these requirements:

  • The tumor must be confined to their liver.
  • The liver must have enough remaining healthy tissue for normal function after the diseased parts are removed. People with underlying cirrhosis may not tolerate as much of the liver being removed.

Tumors located near important blood vessels may require nonsurgical treatment methods, such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA).

To determine whether liver surgery is a viable option, doctors often use CT scans to:

  • Examine the number, size, and location of the tumors
  • Make sure that the cancer has not spread beyond your liver