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Bloodless Medicine and Blood Management During Pregnancy

Delivering a baby always entails some blood loss. But if you have certain conditions, you can lose too much blood. Excess blood loss can put your health at risk, and you may need a blood transfusion.

UPMC Magee-Womens offers many solutions to help manage blood loss during pregnancy and delivery.

We respect the wishes of people whose faith directs them not to accept blood transfusions.

If you know that you'll refuse a blood transfusion during delivery, it’s important to meet with our Patient Blood Management (PBM) team. Hemorrhaging during delivery is always a risk, so documenting your choices regarding blood transfusions should be part of your birth plan.

What is Patient Blood Management (PBM) in Pregnancy?

Various problems during pregnancy and delivery can cause bleeding and low blood count. By using blood management techniques, expectant mothers can improve their blood counts and support a healthy pregnancy.

PBM in pregnancy focuses on:

  • Screening for and treating anemia.
  • Minimizing blood loss during delivery.
  • Using blood transfusions only as needed, and only for people who accept them.
  • Employing cutting-edge technology so we can return your own blood in the event of bleeding, rather than relying on donated units.

If your beliefs preclude you from receiving blood transfusions, we use bloodless medicine solutions.

For bloodless medicine practices, our team will contact the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital to set up a medical consultation.

This consultation doesn't replace your chosen ob-gyn office or midwife center. Instead, we provide support during delivery if complications happen. For information, call 877-674-7111, option 1.

What is bloodless medicine?

Bloodless medicine means that we care for your medical and surgical needs without using donor-collected blood products.

We work to maximize your blood counts before delivery using various techniques. We may use certain medications or products that help prevent blood loss.

Have more questions about bloodless medicine? See our bloodless medicine FAQs.

What Conditions Might Require Blood Management During Pregnancy?

While we can’t prepare for every emergency situation, there are steps we can take to minimize blood loss. This is especially important for people who have certain risk factors or conditions.

You may be at risk for losing more blood than is healthy for you during delivery if you:

  • Have anemia.
  • Had a prior caesarean section.
  • Will require a C-section.
  • Have blood clotting issues, such as Von Willebrand disease.

Managing anemia during pregnancy

Anemia means you have low iron in your blood. Iron helps your red blood cells carry oxygen to your body.

Anemia can make you feel tired and light-headed. During pregnancy, anemia can affect your baby because they may not get enough oxygen to grow as they should.

Having anemia also increases your risk of needing a blood transfusion after delivery.

We help all pregnant people manage their anemia because it’s important for your and your baby’s health. But if you know before delivery that you won't accept a blood transfusion, it’s even more important.

You’ll need to:

  • Take vitamins and iron pills every day, as your doctor tells you.
  • Avoid taking your iron with milk (instead, take it with juice with vitamin C) and antacids.
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water every day.
  • Eat foods rich in iron, like red meat, peanut butter, nuts, beans, dried fruits, and fortified cereal. (Your doctor will give you a more extensive list).

Learn more about managing anemia during pregnancy (PDF).

Why Choose UPMC Magee-Womens for Blood Management During Pregnancy?

You have choices about your care during pregnancy. If you or your ob-gyn are concerned about blood loss during pregnancy, we can help.

Be assured that we:

  • Respect diverse beliefs — Some people don’t want blood transfusions. UPMC believes that people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. In keeping with this belief, we offer bloodless medicine.
  • Offer many blood management solutions — We have multiple strategies for reducing or eliminating the need for blood transfusions. Learn more about how we handle blood management.
  • Provide easy access to specialists — At UPMC Magee-Womens, we have experts in every area of women’s health. No matter what you need during pregnancy and beyond, we’re here to help.

By UPMC Editorial Staff. Last reviewed on 2024-09-05 by Mary Wisniewski.