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Lactation Consulting Services and Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding is an excellent way to nourish your infant. As a new parent, you probably have questions. Or you may need support establishing breastfeeding.

UPMC's lactation consulting and breastfeeding support services ensure breastfeeding success. Our lactation consultants offer education, suggestions, and encouragement to new parents.

All of our postpartum nurses have additional training in breastfeeding, and many are Certified Breastfeeding Counselors. These nurses have advanced knowledge about lactation management.

For more help after delivery, plan a visit with one of our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). UPMC's board-certified lactation consultants can help when questions or concerns arise at home. They support birthing parents and their families throughout Pennsylvania and Western Maryland.

Our IBCLCs offer:

  • Educational classes.
  • In-person visits.
  • Phone support for questions.
  • Telehealth visits. 

What Is a Lactation Consultant?

Lactation consultants are breastfeeding specialists. They work with parents-to-be and new parents. They provide breastfeeding information, education, and support. 

These valuable care team members provide information and support breastfeeding families. They are an excellent resource to help prevent and manage common and unique breastfeeding concerns. 

What is an IBCLC?

UPMC's breastfeeding experts are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). These health care professionals have advanced training in breastfeeding and lactation.

Continuing education helps them stay current on skills and new research. They also bring back the latest breastfeeding information to educate our medical and nursing staff.

Why Should I See a Lactation Consultant?

Breast milk is an excellent and cost-effective source of nutrition for newborn infants and babies. It contains vital nutrients needed for their brains and bodies to develop during their first year. Breast milk also supports an infant's immune system, keeping them healthy as they grow. 

Breastfeeding has health advantages for the lactating parent as well. It may help lower future risk of breast and ovarian cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

However, you may wonder whether it is right for you and your baby. Also, breastfeeding doesn't always come naturally, so you may need help getting started or continuing.

A lactation consultant provides information, advice, and encouragement. They can help you get started breastfeeding and troubleshoot any problems you encounter. 

Each person's breastfeeding experience is unique. Lactation consultants have vast expertise. They can help with nearly every breastfeeding-related need or challenge and refer you to the right provider if you need more specialized medical attention. 

You can benefit from working with a lactation consultant for these and other situations:

Talking to a lactation consultant while pregnant

A lactation consultant can help you gather accurate information and plan the best feeding options for your baby. They can review the pros and cons for you and your baby so you can make educated choices. They can also help you plan appropriate meals and snacks, so you and your baby are well-nourished while breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding if you have had breast surgery

Many people who have had breast surgery in the past can still breastfeed successfully. However, some surgeries affect nerves, milk ducts, or glands that make breast milk.

If these tissues are affected, it may lower your milk supply, so it is wise to talk to a lactation consultant before delivery. If you had surgery to treat breast cancer, ask your oncologist whether you can breastfeed your baby.

Breastfeeding a baby born before 39 weeks

A late pre-term (born before 37 weeks) or early-term (born between 37 and 39 weeks) infant may have more challenges breastfeeding. Preemies are often less alert and have less stamina. They may have a harder time latching, sucking, and swallowing.

A lactation consultant can work with you to troubleshoot and ensure breastfeeding success.

If you struggled to breastfeed in the past

Meeting with a breastfeeding expert before delivery is a good way to establish a breastfeeding plan. A plan can help you avoid breastfeeding issues.

Remember that every infant and breastfeeding experience is different. This one may go off without a hitch. 

Latching problems

If your baby has problems latching onto your breast or has trouble feeding, a lactation consultant can provide guidance on how to position your little one and tips for latching. 

Worries about milk supply

If you have concerns about your milk supply and whether your baby is eating enough or gaining weight at an appropriate rate, a lactation consultant can reassure you. Low milk supply is rare, but they can assess your diet and your baby's weight to ensure they are eating enough. A lactation consultant can suggest strategies to increase your milk supply if necessary.

Nursing multiples

When nursing multiple babies, you'll need to nourish yourself to support a healthy milk supply. Guidance from a lactation consultant will help you feed more than one infant.

Pain, clogs, or infection

A lactation consultant can help if you experience soreness, nipple pain, or signs of a blocked milk duct or infection. Signs like a hard lump, redness on your breast, or a fever may signal infection. The lactation consultant can help you troubleshoot or refer you to your doctor for necessary treatment.

Dealing with new medications and health issues

A new health condition or medication may affect your ability to breastfeed. Lactation consultants understand that breastfeeding is not all or nothing. Their goal is to feed your baby in the way that's best for both of you, even if that means partial breastfeeding or weaning the baby.  

Breast-pumping advice

A lactation consultant can offer advice on choosing a breast pump, pumping, or storing your milk safely. They can suggest sources nearby to rent or buy a breast pump or other supplies. They will also provide accurate information and guidance to ensure you collect and store breast milk safely.  

Exclusive pumping and bottle-feeding

Only pumping and bottle-feeding can affect your milk supply. If you plan to feed your baby this way, a lactation consultant can suggest strategies for producing more milk.

Weaning baby off the breast

A lactation consultant can help when you are ready to wean your baby onto a bottle or solid foods. You may appreciate guidance not only on feeding but also on managing the emotional challenges of weaning. 

All new parents can benefit from working with a lactation consultant. People who receive breastfeeding support are more likely to feed their babies breast milk for longer periods. Our goal is to help you successfully breastfeed your baby for as long as you both wish.

What Breastfeeding Support and Lactation Consulting Services Do You Offer?

UPMC offers various types of lactation consulting services before and after delivery. We provide educational information, group classes, telephone support, and one-on-one visits.

Prenatal breastfeeding basics classes

Offered early in your third trimester, these classes cover breastfeeding basics, including: 

  • Advantages of breastfeeding for the baby and lactating parent.
  • Diet and lifestyle tips to optimize milk supply. 
  • When to start breastfeeding, and how to help your baby latch onto your breast correctly.
  • Tips to support new parents and families for successful breastfeeding at home. 

Bedside consultations

The nurses who provide your postnatal care at UPMC hospitals have special training in breastfeeding. However, if you need extra support, our board-certified lactation consultants can see you before you leave the hospital.

Downloadable education resources

These breastfeeding resources are available for free:

One-on-one outpatient visits

A lactation consultant can see you and your baby in person or by telehealth for additional help or support with any aspect of breastfeeding. Your doctor may also refer you if they have concerns about your baby's feeding.

These visits allow your lactation consultant to examine your nipples, observe your baby's latch, and help you position your baby during feeds.

Nursing mother classes and support groups

Find classes and support groups for new mothers

Why Choose UPMC for Lactation Consulting Services?

Nothing matters more to us than your health and wellness and that of your baby. UPMC's health care providers offer state-of-the-art care for women and babies with a team-based approach. 

Our experienced staff of board-certified lactation consultants works closely with your care providers. They warmly welcome you at any stage in your breastfeeding journey. All services are open to any parent, whether they've given birth at UPMC or another hospital or birthing center.

UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital is nationally renowned and is proud to be a National Center of Excellence in Women's Health. Our lactation center is a leading resource for breastfeeding information. We support pregnant and lactating people in Pittsburgh and surrounding communities.

Video Visit

Women's Virtual Health Care

Are you interested in a video visit with one of our women's health experts? You can now see a lactation specialist from anywhere in Pennsylvania through UPMC virtual care.

Schedule a video visit.

Last reviewed by a UPMC medical professional on 2024-09-05.