Magee-Womens Imaging offers first trimester screening (FTS) for expectant moms who wish to assess their baby’s risk for Down syndrome and trisomy 18. This test is performed at 11 to 14 weeks into the pregnancy, and includes an obstetric ultrasound and blood work.
Ultrasound is used to measure the nuchal translucency, a fluid-filled space at the back of your baby's neck, which tends to be larger in babies with Down syndrome or other congenital problems.
First trimester screening is available to any patient who is interested. Magee-Womens Imaging is one of only a handful of centers in the area certified by the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) to provide first trimester screening.
We perform nearly 4,000 first trimester screens annually, and our physicians and ultrasound technicians receive specific training and ongoing competency assessments. Our experts in ultrasound and genetics are qualified to identify abnormalities during the screening, and to counsel the patient about what this means for her pregnancy.
If you would like to schedule a first trimester screening, please contact the Magee-Womens Hospital Center for Medical Genetics at 412-641-4168 or 1-800-454-8155.