Our program’s primary site is UPMC McKeesport. Here approximately 60% of the rotations are based. The other 40% of rotations are based out of UPMC East. UPMC East is one of the newest and most modern hospitals in the UPMC system. UPMC East is an acute-care hospital with over 150-beds located in Monroeville, an eastern suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa. The hospital delivers a full range of medical services, including those not typically found in a local community hospital.
Our categorical program utilizes a 13 block schedule of 2-4 week rotations per year. The inpatient service runs on a team concept. The team consists of one attending, one senior resident, two interns, and one medical student.
Sample Block Schedule
Scholarly Activity/Didactics
Journal Club
- This monthly activity is designed to empower the residents to independently read, analyze and critique the medical literature. The residents prepare their presentations under close and direct supervision with a faculty mentor and the statistician. A series of lectures are also provided to help the residents understand medical statistics.
Clinical Pathological Conference (CPC)
- This monthly activity is designed to train the residents on using the tools of evidence-based medicine and clinical decision making to evaluate a clinical scenario. Again, each presentation is followed by a discussion on the lessons learned from that case.
Mortality and Morbidity / Patient Safety
- This monthly activity allows residents and faculty to review, critique and learn from cases with unexpected or adverse outcomes. Preparation of this session involves combined resident and faculty participation.
Daily Noon Conference
- Topics cover all aspects of general internal medicine and its subspecialties. Topics cover the entire curriculum, both ambulatory and inpatient topics, and are constantly undated.
Medical Grand Rounds
- Is a biweekly event. Presentations are provided by topnotch speakers, mostly from within the UPMC Health System.
Morning Report
- Residents present an interesting case which is discussed in an open and non-threatening manner among all the residents and attendings present. This is a great forum to evaluate a complex or unresolved case.
Intern Afternoon Report
- All interns discuss a general topic or article in an informal forum with a faculty member.
Ambulatory Rounds
- A topic/article regarding outpatient medicine is presented and discussed with residents on ambulatory rotations with faculty support.
Resident Guideline Review Noon Conference
- Monthly conference prepared and presented by resident for residents. Chief residents will assist and mentor presenters.
Research Days
- This conference is held yearly in the spring. Abstracts are approved by faculty and presented by the 3rd PGY resident.
Continuity Clinic
UPMC McKeesport Internal Medicine Center
The continuity clinic is the heart and soul of teaching ambulatory care to internal medicine residents. Residents attend their clinic one-half day per week. The clinic and offices are fully staffed with support personnel.
The clinic is equipped with electronic health records, as well as software to remotely review radiological pictures and reports.
We strive to provide the residents with a professional, sound environment free of commercial influence.
The clinic setting provides an opportunity to teach the basic foundations of medicine. It is a good setting for mini-CEX exams, observing residents interviewing and examining their patients, and breaking bad news. The clinic is also a good setting for teaching risk management and dealing with difficult patients.
In addition, the clinic provides an opportunity to learn about real life aspects of care: insurance coverage, formulary status and changes, caring for the uninsured, using generic medications, understanding the financial aspects of tests, medications, co-pays, etc. Residents also learn about billing and coding.
The clinic is contracted with an independent patient survey company that polls our patients on a regular basis. Visit encounter data and patient satisfaction data are reviewed with the residents periodically.