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Magee Postpartum Pelvic Floor Healing Clinic

Pregnancy and childbirth can change your body in unforeseen ways.

Our number one focus at the Magee Postpartum Pelvic Floor Healing Clinic is to promote healthy healing after childbirth.

We offer expert care for women who have healing issues, pain, or pelvic floor problems within a year of giving birth.

To make an appointment or learn more, call 412-641-6262.

What Is The Pelvic Floor?

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and connective tissues that provides support to your:

  • Vagina
  • Bladder
  • Uterus
  • Rectum

The pelvic floor goes through many changes during pregnancy and delivery.

How Do You Know If You Have a Pelvic Floor Disorder After Childbirth?

Carrying and having a baby may weaken or strain the pelvic floor.

Childbirth can stretch and even tear muscles, tissue, and nerves within the vagina and pelvis.

Some women have new or worsening problems with their bladder, bowels, and vagina after giving birth.

Signs you may have a postpartum pelvic floor disorder include:

  • Prolonged or delayed healing after having a baby.
  • Constant pain or pressure in your vagina.
  • Vaginal tears especially those involving nearby structures like the rectum.
  • Infection.
  • Urine or bowel concerns, such as leakage of urine, bowels, or gas.
  • Problems with peeing or pooping.
  • Pelvic pressure or a feeling of pelvic heaviness.
  • Any other problems or concerns with your pelvic organs or pelvic floor.

If you've given birth in the past year and have any of these or similar symptoms, we may be able to help.

How Long Does It Take Your Pelvic Floor to Heal After Childbirth?

While most women fully heal, it can take 4 weeks to a few months after childbirth to restore pelvic floor health.

How Do You Treat Postpartum Pelvic Floor Disorders?

Treating pelvic floor disorders after childbirth is often specific to each woman.

Before we decide on your treatment, we may do a physical exam and specialized ultrasound of the pelvic floor.

Peripartum pelvic floor disorder treatments can include:

  • Pelvic floor physical therapy for weakness, pain, and lack of muscle control.
  • Vaginal creams or ointments.
  • Antibiotics, if we see signs of an infection.
  • Procedures or surgery if needed.

What Is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy (PT) is often one of the first treatments for postpartum pelvic floor disorders.

Our specially trained physical therapists will work with you to tailor a care plan focused on healing the pelvic floor after childbirth.

While each woman is unique, we typically suggest starting pelvic floor PT around 4 weeks after delivery.

Pelvic floor exercises and PT include techniques to:

  • Strengthen weakened pelvic muscles.
  • Relax or stretch tight pelvic floor muscles.

The end goal of PT is to help you return to normal pelvic floor health.

Services at the Postpartum Pelvic Floor Healing Clinic

When you visit our clinic, our experts will:

  • Ask you to share how your childbirth went and any symptoms that began during or after your pregnancy.
  • Perform a full exam and discuss the possible causes of your symptoms.
  • Work with you to design a custom treatment plan to help you and your pelvic floor get back to normal.

Our services include:

  • A complete assessment of the vagina and pelvic floor after childbirth.
  • Help with planning the next steps to restore your pelvic floor health.
  • Referral to pelvic floor PT to promote healing.
  • Specialized ultrasound of the pelvic floor.
  • Help in planning future pregnancy and birth.

Contact the Magee Postpartum Pelvic Floor Healing Clinic

To make an appointment or learn more about pelvic floor care after childbirth, call 412-641-6262.

UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Division of Urogynecology
300 Halket St., Suite 5600
Pittsburgh, PA 15213