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Birthing Method Banner | UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital

Explore Birthing Methods at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital

As you prepare to give birth, it helps to consider how you want to deliver and what you want the experience to be. This is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming and a bit scary. Having a preference and being prepared for all possibilities helps you through the final months. Learn about the birthing methods you may encounter at the hospital, and work with your health care provider to develop a birth preference.

Your Birth Preference

You may already know that you'll need a certain type of labor method, such as induction or C-section, or you may have a vision of the experience you want. UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital is here to prepare you and support your ideal birth experience as much as possible. We allow you to have support people present, whether it's your spouse, friend, or doula.

No matter which of the labor methods you're hoping for, you can use our birth preference guide to ensure that your needs and preferences are communicated to your health care team. Talk with your health care provider about which hospital birthing methods are possible for your based on your pregnancy history, personal needs, and medical circumstances.

Remember that the plan is a guide, and some aspects may change. Experts at UPMC Magee are here to ensure your safety and your baby's safety. No matter what happens, we have the knowledge and compassion to care for you and follow your preference as much as possible.

Evaluating Birthing Methods in a Hospital

Your health care provider can guide you through the medical aspects of your birthing preference to meet your and your baby's health needs. We will support your birth preference as much as possible, but your health care provider may deviate from your preference to keep you and your baby healthy. Because things can change throughout your pregnancy or during delivery, it helps to understand possible birthing and labor methods:

What to Expect at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital

No matter what happens, our experts are here for you and your baby. Each year, nearly 10,000 babies are born at UPMC Magee. You'll find comfort and compassion in our Birthing Center combined with expertise and the latest medical technology. Whether you want minimal medical interventions or are facing a high-risk pregnancy, our caring staff will support you (and your support people) throughout every step.

To make an appointment for prenatal care at UPMC Magee, call toll-free 1-866-696-2433 (MyMagee).

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