What is a Fat Transfer?
Fat transfer is the process of taking fat cells from one part of the body (such as the outer thigh) and transferring them via injection to the face or other part of the body to add fullness and lift.
Unlike synthetic materials, a fat transfer procedure uses your own natural fat cells to augment the desired area, thereby eliminating the possibility of an allergic reaction or incompatibility. A body fat transfer feels more natural than a synthetic implant.
How is a Fat Transfer Performed?
A fat transfer is performed in our office on an outpatient basis. Both the area from which the fat is taken and the treatment site are anesthetized with a local anesthetic. Using a small needle attached to a syringe, fat is removed from a donor site where your fat is most tightly packed, such as your thights or abdomen. Once removed, your fat is processed to remove excess fluids and then re-injected to the areas needed, usually on the face. Unused harvested fat is frozen and stored for up to a year.
Since a small percentage of injected fat is absorbed by the body, more than one treatment may be needed in order to achieve the results you desire.
Additional Resources
Read The Neglected Cell: Why the Adipocyte (Fat Cell) is Attracting Attention by Suzan Obagi, MD.