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Living-Donor Kidney Transplant Education

As one of the nation's most active and accomplished transplant programs, UPMC aims to improve the lives of people with kidney disease.

Our patient-centered approach guides you through the entire kidney transplant journey — from your pretransplant exam to transplant surgery.

Learn how a living-donor kidney transplant can help you and hear from patients who have been through it.

Schedule a Transplant Evaluation

Living-Donor Kidney Transplant Videos

Overview of Living-Donor Kidney Transplant

UPMC On Topic: Kidney Transplant Process

Benefits of Living-Donor Kidney Transplant

Living-Donor Kidney Exchange 101

Living-Donor Champion Resources

Living-Donor Kidney Transplant Q&A with Dr. Tevar

Comprehensive Guide to CKD and Transplant Options

Hear From Our Living-Donor Kidney Transplant Patients

Clay and Omar's Story

Eileen and Anthony's Story

Gerald's Story: Kidney Swap

Denise and Stephanie's Story

Meet the UPMC Kidney Transplant Program Team

Get to Know Dr. Tevar

Stay In-the-Know About Kidney Transplants

Fill out this form to receive information about:

  • Kidney transplant services at UPMC, including living-donor kidney transplants.
  • Support services we offer transplant recipients and their loved ones, including our Living Donor Champion program.
  • UPMC patients and their transplant journeys.
  • End-stage kidney disease and transplant education.

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Contact the UPMC Kidney Transplant Program

To learn more about living-donor kidney transplants or make an appointment, please call the following locations:

UPMC Montefiore: 412-647-5800
UPMC Hamot: 814-877-3625
UPMC Harrisburg: 877-778-6110

Find out more about living-donor kidney transplants at UPMC HealthBeat.

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